Genre: Mystery, Science Fiction, Children's Fiction
Author: Lois Lowry
Jonas is eleven years old, and there is nothing special about him. He will turn twelve the same day as every other eleven year old in the Community. He will be assigned a job, and he will do that job until he can no longer do it well, and he will retire. At some point he may marry someone compatible, and they may apply for two children. And so on and so on. At least, that's usually what happens in the Community. But Jonas is different. This isn't a problem though- the occasional non-uniform child is expected, planned for, and looking at the big picture, is part of a larger repeating pattern. When he turns twelve he will simply get a unique job- the job of the Giver. Training for the mysterious job with the current Giver, Jonas learns about a world that once was, full of vibrancy and diversity, and also of the dark secrets behind the control of the Community. Can Jonas find a way to break the cycle?
Alex's Opinion:
This is a fairly popular book- I picked it up because it is a Newberry Medal winner- and I found out why. This book is well written, and well paced, with an interesting plot line. It is fun to read about a world that is nothing like our own, and it makes you think about what in your life if like the Community. It makes you want to live life to the fullest. I read this when I was fairly young, and enjoyed it then, and looking back at it now, I think its still a great book.
Who would like it:
This is somewhat of a cononical children/young adults dystopian future type book. I really like the dystopian future genre, and The Giver had fresh ideas to offer. Don't read much? Check this book out- you might find a new past time! Its a bit dark, but not much relative to alot of the genre- 1984 for example (another great book, and a classic). If you liked Brave New World you might like this one, which less extreme.
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